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Komm Logistik is a full-service provider offering its customers the maximum degree of efficiency in all matters related to logistics. We set great store by requirements-oriented and straightforward transport solutions and logistics concepts which generate added value for specific customers (e.g. warehousing, quality controls, picking and packing, complete handling of documentary and customs procedures amongst much more besides). We also attach equal importance to securing markets via extremely rapid availability of goods and by using fluid production processes as a vehicle for strengthening the effectiveness of a location.

Geared for success: Komm Logistik.

One of the major challenges facing us in these times of global change is precise matching and smooth coordination of streams of goods. Our Großbeeren Logistics Centre, which is located in the Berlin South Freight Village (5 km to the South of Berlin), is the hub of our Eastern European operations and acts as a basis for the delivery of first-class logistics solutions from a single source. The operating area of the Centre extends over more than 22,000 square metres and offers a total capacity of 8,500 IT controlled European pallet storage areas. All this guarantees you the very best logistical support for requirements-oriented supply and delivery, for optimum distribution and for the consolidation of transport right across Germany and Europe.

We have all the axes in place to secure the very best implementation of your objectives.

All service divisions at Komm Logistik work in close conjunction with one another to ensure a high degree of efficiency. Every member of staff is fully aware of our performance standards and is informed of all changes and further developments on an ongoing basis. Our employees have developed their expertise over a period of many years. The team's commitment and understanding is reflected in the loyalty our customers display.

A steady hand at the wheel.

Both our vehicle fleet technology and the training we provide for every single carrier are state-of-the-art. Our specialists have a vast array of knowledge at their fingertips. This ranges from national and international guidelines to infrastructure issues and extends to include specific knowledge of transport bottlenecks which occur at certain times of the year. The carriers which Komm Logistik uses to fulfil your orders deploy satellite technology and operate in accordance with the highest safety arrangements. We ensure that our technology remains at the cutting edge by exchanging the vehicles in our pool in accordance with a regular cycle.

The Komm Logistik motto: safety first. For our customers and our environment.

Komm Logistik ...a name to rely on